The intrapreneur is not new. Far from it. For decades, perhaps longer, organizations have been driven forward by innovative intrapreneurs who are seeking something better.
This is not just an assumption.
The intrapreneur has been written about in the past.
Most notably, and originally by Gifford Pinchot III, in his book, Intrapreneuring: Why you don't have to leave the corporation to become an entrepreneur.
I have been reading this book (second half of August) and am finding many relevant to today. So far, the The intrapreneur's 10 commandments seems particular relevant as a set principles by which the intrapreneur should live.
Here they are:
The intrapreneur's 10 commandments:
Come to work each day willing to be fired.
Circumvent any orders aimed at stopping your dream.
Do any job needed to make your project work, regardless of your job description.
Find people to help you.
Follow your intuition about the people you choose, and work only with the best.
Work underground as long as you can, publicity triggers the corporate immune mechanism.
Never bet on a race unless you are running in it.
Remember it is easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
Be true to your goals, but be realistic about the ways to achieve them.
Honor your sponsors.
This list is so good, it is to be put on the fridge.
As I read Intrapreneuring, I will share what I learn. So far, it’s been quite good.
The book:
Intrapreneuring: Why you don't have to leave the corporation to become an entrepreneur
More about Bill:
Bill’s book: The Art of Agile Marketing: A Practical Roadmap for Implementing Kanban and Scrum in Jira and Confluence
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