“You’re not listening.” This point from Bob London in his KamCon 2023 talk, The Five Customer Love Languages, hit me at just the right time. “I am listening,” I thought to myself. What if I’m not?
If you have ever worked at a startup trying to find product-market fit, you can relate this.
You listen.
You hear what people say.
You act on what they say.
Then, nothing happens.
I was listening. I heard what they said. We built what they wanted. They didn’t buy it. Maybe I wasn’t listening. Bob London has a way of getting people to open up with questions and disrupt conversations with the right questions. That’s why his company is called Chief Listening Officers, and why we had him on the podcast. To become better listeners.
More about Bob:
Recording of Bob London’s talk at KAMCon 2023 in Boulder, The Five Customer Love Languages
Bob London’s Linkedin post
Bob’s company, Chief Listening Officers
Bob London on Linkedin
Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages
Rebel Intrapreneur podcast website
Bill’s book: The Art of Agile Marketing: A Practical Roadmap for Implementing Kanban and Scrum in Jira and Confluence
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