Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur
066 Vijay Tella On the new automation mindset

066 Vijay Tella On the new automation mindset

This episode is brought to you by a practical way to set your marketing team up for success. Get my book, The Art of Agile Marketing: A Practical Roadmap for Implementing Kanban and Scrum in Jira and Confluence

And, if you like this episode with Vijay, I recommend getting his book, The New Automation Mindset: The Leadership Blueprint for the Era of AL-for-All (affiliate link, if you’d like to support the show).

As Vijay Tella, co-founder and CEO of Workato, describes in his book, The New Automation Mindset: The Leadership Blueprint for the Era of AI-For-All, the more digital, task-oriented apps we buy, the more manual work we create for ourselves. It’s an application toggling tax that slows us down and makes us less productive. It’s a paradox. Tella says the main message of his book is that the success of AI and automation in the enterprise will depend not on technology, but on a new mindset in the organization. 

More about Vijay: 

The New Automation Mindset: The Leadership Blueprint for the Era of AI-For-All


Workato’s Walnut IQ 

On Linkedin 

More about Bill:

Bill Cushard on Linkedin

Bill Cushard on Twitter

Rebel Intrapreneur podcast website

Bill’s book: The Art of Agile Marketing: A Practical Roadmap for Implementing Kanban and Scrum in Jira and Confluence 

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Vijay Tella Workato The New Automation Mindset on Rebel Intrapreneur with Bill Cushard

Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur is a podcast about a new category of high performing employee. Rebel intrapreneurs further the mission of an organization while simultaneous challenging the system from within. Founders and entrepreneurs are thirsty to find people who believe in their mission as much as they do, and pursue that mission relentlessly. Rebel Intrapreneur is hosted by Bill Cushard, who has reported directly to founder/CEOs four times in his career, which makes him an ideal guide on your intrapreneurial journey.