Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur
073 Bill Cushard It’s time to take your intrapreneurial exam

073 Bill Cushard It’s time to take your intrapreneurial exam

Rebel Intrapreneurs use the Strategyzer Business Model Canvas FigJam template to turn possibilities into plans. Learn about the business model canvas FigJam template here and Try FigJam for free.


It’s time to take your exam on intrapreneurship. This test is from the book, Intrapreneuring: Why You Don't Have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur by Gifford Pinchot. The test is called, Are you an intrapreneur? 

It is a set of 12 questions to which you’d answer a simple yes or no. Gifford suggests that if you answer “Yes” to most of the questions, you might already be behaving like an intrapreneur. 

  1. Does your desire to make things work better occupy as much of your time as fulfilling your duty to maintain them the way they are? 

  2. Do you get excited about what you are doing at work? 

  3. Do you think about new business ideas while driving to work or taking a shower? 

  4. Can you visualize concrete steps for action when you consider ways to make a new idea happen? 

  5. Do you get in trouble from time to time for doing things that exceed your authority? 

  6. Are you able to keep your ideas undercover, suppressing your urge to tell everyone about them until you have tested them and developed a plan for implementation? 

  7. Have you successfully pushed through bleak times when something you were working on looked like it might fail? 

  8. Do you have more than your share of both fans and critics? 

  9. Do you have a network of friends at work whom you can count on for help? 

  10. Do you get easily annoyed by others’ incompetent attempts to execute portions of your ideas? 

  11. Can you consider trying to overcome a natural perfectionist tendency to do all the work yourself and share responsibility for your ideas with a team? 

  12. Would you be willing to give up some salary in exchange for the chance to try out your business idea if the rewards for success were adequate? 

So that is the list of 12 questions to help you determine if you are an Intrapreneur. 

Please take the test and share your results in the comments. How’d you do? 

Today’s episode is brought to you by Figma. Two important tools of the Rebel Intrapreneur are the business model canvas and the value proposition canvas. Figma has templates for both, so you can design your innovation projects fast. I used the value proposition canvas template to design the listener profile and value map for this show. Try Figma for free

The book, Intrapreneuring: Why You Don't Have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur (affiliate link, if you want to support the show).

More about Bill:

Bill Cushard on Linkedin

Bill Cushard on Twitter

Rebel Intrapreneur podcast website

Bill’s book: The Art of Agile Marketing: A Practical Roadmap for Implementing Kanban and Scrum in Jira and Confluence 

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Bill Cushard Rebel Intrapreneur Gifford Pinchot Book Intrapreneuring

Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur is a podcast about a new category of high performing employee. Rebel intrapreneurs further the mission of an organization while simultaneous challenging the system from within. Founders and entrepreneurs are thirsty to find people who believe in their mission as much as they do, and pursue that mission relentlessly. Rebel Intrapreneur is hosted by Bill Cushard, who has reported directly to founder/CEOs four times in his career, which makes him an ideal guide on your intrapreneurial journey.