Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur
074 Andrea Saez Too many product teams say, “We don’t know what to focus on!”

074 Andrea Saez Too many product teams say, “We don’t know what to focus on!”

Rebel Intrapreneurs use the Strategyzer Business Model Canvas FigJam template to turn possibilities into plans. Learn about the business model canvas FigJam template here and Try FigJam for free.


If there is one takeaway that rebel intrapreneurs can take away from Andrea Saez’s book, it’s how to help product teams know what to focus on. This idea prompted me to ask Andrea, “Is this a leadership book as much as a product management book?” You can imagine her answer. 

In a way, that insight about her book, The Product Momentum Gap: Bringing Together Product Strategy and Customer Value (written with co-author Dave Martin, episode 70) led me to abandon my original conversation plan and spend most of our time talking about organizational alignment, providing clear direction, and empowering teams to create value for customers and for the business without being micromanaged. 

More about Andrea: 

The Book: The Product Momentum Gap: Bringing Together Product Strategy and Customer Value (affiliate link, if you’d like to support Rebel Intrapreneur)

Andrea Saez On Linkedin

Andrea Saez On X


Today’s episode is brought to you by Figma. Two important tools of the Rebel Intrapreneur are the business model canvas and the value proposition canvas. Figma has templates for both, so you can design your innovation projects fast. I used the value proposition canvas template to design the listener profile and value map for this show. Try Figma for free

More about Bill:

Bill Cushard on Linkedin

Bill Cushard on Twitter

Rebel Intrapreneur podcast website

Bill’s book: The Art of Agile Marketing: A Practical Roadmap for Implementing Kanban and Scrum in Jira and Confluence 

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Andrea Saez Product Value Creation Plan (VCP) Rebel Intrapreneur Bill Cushard

Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur
Rebel Intrapreneur is a podcast about a new category of high performing employee. Rebel intrapreneurs further the mission of an organization while simultaneous challenging the system from within. Founders and entrepreneurs are thirsty to find people who believe in their mission as much as they do, and pursue that mission relentlessly. Rebel Intrapreneur is hosted by Bill Cushard, who has reported directly to founder/CEOs four times in his career, which makes him an ideal guide on your intrapreneurial journey.